Thursday, January 12, 2017

Investing in Early Childhood Education

The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, so as to maximize their future well-being.

Research has shown that much of what you need to succeed in life is established before you enter kindergarten. During that time, the human brain undergoes rapid development; it’s a period when a child builds cognitive skills (the foundation for reading, math, science and academics), as well as character skills, social-emotional growth, gross-motor skills and executive functioning, which includes everything from impulse control to problem solving.

Research also states that children who attend early-learning programs demonstrate higher levels of school achievement and better social adjustment than those who have no formal early education. They’re less likely to repeat a grade or be placed in special education classes, since learning issues can be identified and mediated early. Children who have had formal early-learning experiences are also more likely to graduate from high school.

The Alta-Aurelia school system is helping our communities to invest in our children's early development in a number of creative ways that will not only help ensure our children's future success, but also make our towns attractive places for young families to live and grow.

Alta Preschool/Tornado Safe Room

The Alta Communty School District has received a grant from Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management totaling over $1,022,000 to help the district to construct a modernTornado Safe Room attached to our existing Elementary/High School building.  This will greatly improve the safety of our school for students, staff and visitors.  

When not being used as a storm shelter, the space will be utilized as up-to-date preschool classrooms designed for the current best practices in early childhood education as supported by Head Start standards and the Iowa Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program standards.  

Plans are being developed currently, the the current timelines scheduling ground breaking this coming Spring! The construction will not require a bond issue or any raising of property taxes.  The school district's finacial contribution will be supported by the one cent sales tax (SAVE Fund), and the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy currently in place.

Partnerships with Day Care Boards

Both the Alta and Aurelia schools are working hard to help our communities fill the severe need for quality, affordable and accessible day care.  There are fewer in home providers in our small towns, which places a huge burdon on existing young families, and becomes a deterent for attracting new young families to our communities.

The Aurelia School District has a long standing history of working with the local communith day care that goes back to when it was hosted at the United Methodist Church. Eight years ago, the Aurelia Day Care was moved into an existing classroom to create space for 20 children.  

The need for day care has out grown the existing space, so the Aurelia Day Care board has been able to obtain funding through grants and low interest loan programs to build their own building. The Aurelia School District will continue to partner with the Aurelia Day Care board through a long-term land lease (providing space for the building to be constructed) and a food service agreement (providing low cost meals to day care children).  

The building is currently under construction with the goal of opening shortly after the 1st of the year.  The new space will provide day care for up to 52 children!

In Alta, the school district has partnered with the Ready, Set, Grow day care board to provide space on the first floor of the old high school building for use as a community day care. Ready, Set, Grow currently occupies 2 newly remodeled classrooms to provide day care space for 20 children (infants through toddlers). Additionally, a partnership exists between the day care and the school through a food service agreement for the school to provide low cost meals to the day care children.

Before and after school day care for school aged students continues to be offered at the Elementary as has been the case for a number of years.

Long range plans are to offer additional space to Ready, Set, Grow day care, as their need grows, and space becomes available after the relocation of the current preschool.

The Boards of Education for both the Alta and Aurelia Community School Districts recognize and support the need for accessible day care and quality early childhood education programs as an aid in growing our communities, preparing our children for their future success, and meeting the needs of young families.  

These are truly exciting times to be a part of Alta-Aurelia!

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